Authors: Riinu Rätsep and Kris Leinatamm

Original language: Estonian and English

First printed: Q3 / Q4 / 2022

Riinu Rätsep is practising nutrition specialist, nutrition therapist, healthy lifestyle promoter and chef.

Kris Leinatamm is certified Health Coach, publisher, and healthy lifestyle promoter.

They have given lectures, written articles and trained thousands of people about health and healthy life-style choices.

After many events they have been organising and run together, they decided to publish a cookbook that helps you feed your brain.

This cookbook consists of:

  • 100 recipes including starters, sauces, main dishes, desserts, snacks, and special holiday dishes
  • Science behind foods that enhance your brain and memory and life energy
  • Introduction and explanation of herbs and spices that help your brain health

Will be published in October 2022.